Hi everyone, I’m sorry for being too LATE to post something new. Some of you may think that I’m dead or something, but the fact is, I’m super busy in doing some businesses atstaples centre school.
As you already know, I’m a teacher,a desperate one an elementary school teacher. It’s been four months and it feels horrible AMAZING! :D

By the way, I notice some new followers and I would like to say: I hope Allah will guide you all while reading this absurd blog, so you do not go astray…
Well, all I want to say is: WOHOOOOO!! I can’t express how happy I am having nice fellows like you all!!!#dancing like mad.
Thanks thanks thanks for EVERYONE who notice this shabby yet creepy blog.
You know, I was a coward girl back then and I didn’t have such confidence to create a blog. So, THANK YOU DARLIIIINNNNG, muah!#cium satu2 pake pantat panci.
Ah, cukup bahasa Zimbabwenya.
Well, sebagai desperate teacher sejati, saya sering melakukan pelarian ke terminal-terminal bis terdekat lalu ngamen disana. Yah itung-itung nyari duit ekstra buat makan, hiks. Tapi karena takut ketemu produser yang sedang cari bibit baru, saya pun mengurungkan niat mulia itu dan memutuskan untuk mengunjungi blog saja :D
tak tak dung cess
Beruntungnya saya karena paham bahasa Zimbabwe. Soalnya, beberapa blog kece yang saya kunjungi untuk mengembalikanwujud mood saya memang punya International readers #tsaah.
Kapan ya saya punya international readers?
Kapan ya saya merit?? #sengaja curhat.
Blog-blog yang memang udah terkenal seperti punyanya Raditya Dika dan Benakribo sih udah nggak perlu dibahas panjang lebar. Keren, unique, epic, apalagi? Semua orang suka blog mereka, termasuk saya :)
Disini saya hanya membahas blog-blog yang saya banget. Aaannndd here is my crazy damn awesome blogs’ list:
1. Lucedale
owner: Clara Devi
followers: 1202
genre: fashion blog
I thought that finding this kind of blog is as hard as solving Math problem, but I was wrong! I ‘accidentally’ found this blog in Bule Juga Manusia. I was curious to the young well dressed lady in the blog. So, I visited hers and I’m surprissseeedd. OMG!...Pretty, vintage yet sweet blog. That’s too sweet for a blog. So dreamy, so classic, so beautiful :D
Claradevi, the young lady, is a vintage fashion blogger. Her previous blog was Sunflares Plethora- such a meaningful name-, and later she changed it into Lucedale. What I love from this blog is the PHOTOS. They are distinctive like no other.
Clara always wears her best outfit, carefully choose most beautiful place and write sweet things to create a masterpiece that make me melted. I’m jealous!!! I always want to be in the same frame and the same outfit (for me I will wear headscarf).
This blog represent me VERY WELL. Yeah in case you are curious about my personality :p
FYI, she runs a vintage outfit shop too. Aaa what a girl.
I recommend this blog to: International readers who love fashion, vintage, sweet things, and dream.
Well, enjoy some of her d*mn sweet photos
tooooo sweeeet
Well, well, actually I have 10 mood maker blogs and I’ve just revealed one of them. I still have 9 unrevealed blogs and who knows one of the blogs is yours :D
Anyway, I am going to attend two wedding parties today, and my body smells bad *yikes*, sooo let me take a shower; it’s been ages not to take a shower hahaha. Thank you so much for reading. Pardon my lame English :p
Bye everyone :D have a nice daaaayyyy :D :D
##Ngomong2 tentang nikah, hey, BANYAK AMAT SIH YANG NIKAH BULAN INI?????!!!!. I already have 5 invitations! Who’s next? Who’s neeext???!!! #ngasah golok.

(ditulis dengan galau, 13 November 2011 pagi hari. Baru dapet pulsa internet langsung post. Takut dihajar masa ^^)
Hi everyone, I’m sorry for being too LATE to post something new. Some of you may think that I’m dead or something, but the fact is, I’m super busy in doing some businesses at
As you already know, I’m a teacher,

By the way, I notice some new followers and I would like to say: I hope Allah will guide you all while reading this absurd blog, so you do not go astray…
Well, all I want to say is: WOHOOOOO!! I can’t express how happy I am having nice fellows like you all!!!#dancing like mad.

Thanks thanks thanks for EVERYONE who notice this shabby yet creepy blog.

You know, I was a coward girl back then and I didn’t have such confidence to create a blog. So, THANK YOU DARLIIIINNNNG, muah!#cium satu2 pake pantat panci.
Ah, cukup bahasa Zimbabwenya.
Well, sebagai desperate teacher sejati, saya sering melakukan pelarian ke terminal-terminal bis terdekat lalu ngamen disana. Yah itung-itung nyari duit ekstra buat makan, hiks. Tapi karena takut ketemu produser yang sedang cari bibit baru, saya pun mengurungkan niat mulia itu dan memutuskan untuk mengunjungi blog saja :D
tak tak dung cess
Beruntungnya saya karena paham bahasa Zimbabwe. Soalnya, beberapa blog kece yang saya kunjungi untuk mengembalikan
Kapan ya saya punya international readers?
Kapan ya saya merit?? #sengaja curhat.

Blog-blog yang memang udah terkenal seperti punyanya Raditya Dika dan Benakribo sih udah nggak perlu dibahas panjang lebar. Keren, unique, epic, apalagi? Semua orang suka blog mereka, termasuk saya :)
Disini saya hanya membahas blog-blog yang saya banget. Aaannndd here is my crazy damn awesome blogs’ list:
1. Lucedale
owner: Clara Devi
followers: 1202
genre: fashion blog
I thought that finding this kind of blog is as hard as solving Math problem, but I was wrong! I ‘accidentally’ found this blog in Bule Juga Manusia. I was curious to the young well dressed lady in the blog. So, I visited hers and I’m surprissseeedd. OMG!...Pretty, vintage yet sweet blog. That’s too sweet for a blog. So dreamy, so classic, so beautiful :D
Claradevi, the young lady, is a vintage fashion blogger. Her previous blog was Sunflares Plethora- such a meaningful name-, and later she changed it into Lucedale. What I love from this blog is the PHOTOS. They are distinctive like no other.
Clara always wears her best outfit, carefully choose most beautiful place and write sweet things to create a masterpiece that make me melted. I’m jealous!!! I always want to be in the same frame and the same outfit (for me I will wear headscarf).
This blog represent me VERY WELL. Yeah in case you are curious about my personality :p
FYI, she runs a vintage outfit shop too. Aaa what a girl.
I recommend this blog to: International readers who love fashion, vintage, sweet things, and dream.
Well, enjoy some of her d*mn sweet photos
tooooo sweeeet
Well, well, actually I have 10 mood maker blogs and I’ve just revealed one of them. I still have 9 unrevealed blogs and who knows one of the blogs is yours :D
Anyway, I am going to attend two wedding parties today, and my body smells bad *yikes*, sooo let me take a shower; it’s been ages not to take a shower hahaha. Thank you so much for reading. Pardon my lame English :p
Bye everyone :D have a nice daaaayyyy :D :D
##Ngomong2 tentang nikah, hey, BANYAK AMAT SIH YANG NIKAH BULAN INI?????!!!!. I already have 5 invitations! Who’s next? Who’s neeext???!!! #ngasah golok.

(ditulis dengan galau, 13 November 2011 pagi hari. Baru dapet pulsa internet langsung post. Takut dihajar masa ^^)
whoaaa bu guru, keren-keren nih blognya :D
ReplyDeleteMana yang lain?
ReplyDeletekok cuma satu aja bu guru?
we want more... we want more...
woaahaha baru tau blognya lucedale
ReplyDelete*lagi-lagi terdampar disini*
ReplyDeleteKirain cekgu ini ga muncul-muncul karena udah merit, rupanya masih jomblo aja ya?
diantara 9 blog lagi itu termasuk blog aku kan mbak? Ya kan?
*ngarep :D
@Irvina, iya dong keren-keren selera saya kan tinggi #plakk. Irvina masuk loh :) cmiwww
ReplyDelete@Just Nanda, makasih dah minta2 #eh. Bentar ya, saya bingung ii mau jadi posting yang 2 lainnya g ya? atau ntar nunggu 5? Siapa calon suami saya? ah galau -__-'
@Beby, hi, anak KK ya? ^^ gimana? keren kan blog dia?
@Zazuli, hi pasienku :D.
ngajak berantem apa ngajak merit nih??? #loh kok kesana arahnya?
Sorry boy, untuk masuk review dengan 3 paragraf dan 5 foto paling nggak 50 jeti lah. Itu juga kalau saya lagi nggak sibuk bolak balik ke Hollywood loh #kipas2 pake bulu mata
harus gw ungkapin ya, gw AMAZE bhanget (gaya fitrop) sama postingan dan blog loe sist... aku tuh, Aku tuh, masih jauh dari sempurnha ... #jedotinkepala
ReplyDeleteoke, sesi putri yang tertukar selesai
yang jelas tulisanmu enak dibaca, ngalir aja gitu... Nice lah... 4 jempol! =)
teruslah berlatih adikku #wushhh #terbang pake elang
ReplyDeleteManis banget deh ulasannya sampe bikin memerah kepiting :)
Its always flattering to know that my little ramblings are quite strong enough to even represent a person like you!
Thank you once again.... dan semoga cepet ikutan married juga :D
wah baru satu blog nih :3
ReplyDeletekunjungan perdana, salam kancut :3
@Aaaaa Claradevi komeeeen *pingsan* Oh My God!!! Thanks a lot sweet heart *masih nggak percaya*. Hahaha iya semoga aja tahun depan udah ganti status :D. Keep writing and stay beautiful ya ;)
ReplyDelete@Pipit, iya nih, bu guru sibuk hahaha. thanks for visiting
Iyaaah.. banyak banget nikahan ya belakangan iniii.. *curhat colongan* pada ngejar 11.11.11 kali yaaa.. padahal itu kan 11.11.2011.. hahahahaha..
ReplyDeleteCute post, dear!
The Picnic Girl
@Miy, Emang Miy! mari kita hajar mereka #eh
ReplyDeletethanks as always :*
Miy, may I feature your blog? :)
well done
ReplyDeleteanonymous, well thanks :)
ReplyDeletewah keren nih blognya :D
ReplyDelete@My Lovely Sister, thanks for droppig by :D
ReplyDeleteblognya siapa yg keren? --a